We believe the next generation of media buying platforms should include the complete set of features and components an advertiser needs for one cost.
We believe the next generation of media buying platforms should include the complete set of features and components an advertiser needs for one transparent cost.
Advangelists replaces the fragmented, multi-vendor ad tech ecosystem with one integrated system.

Swipe the image slide above to see how Advangelists is evolving Ad Tech.

DSP (Demand Side Platform) + Adserver

Integrated AdServing Fraud protection (AdCop™)

Customizable Analytics & Reporting

AI Optimization

Identity and device graphs

Data Management Platform

Automated workflows and avails engines

Rich media and dynamic ad creation

Premium direct supply inventory and RTB sources

We believe ad fraud monitoring and brand safety should be built directly into the system.
Pre-bid, post-bid, and robust fraud detection dashboards provide an understand the nature of the fraud across all their preferred and RTB publishers.
We built AdCop™ as a native feature of the Advangelists platform.
With AdCop™, a brand can continue to achieve campaign scale, but is inherently protected from having their ad display on a fraudulent site, or adjacent to unknown or unwanted content.
We believe so strongly in AdCop™ we offer it for free to the industry.

We believe an automated programmatic ecosystem increases speed-to-market and performance.
Our system is 30-40% more time efficient, and 20-30% more cost efficient.
Advangelists has more inherent features and platforms removing the need for 3rd party integrations.
We believe in dynamic technology that scales in real time so you don’t over pay for computing power.
It is this proprietary cloud based architecture that keeps costs down and allows us to pass along the savings to our clients.
Our lower operating costs allow us to integrate all these capabilities for free: DSP and bidding technologies, AdCop™ Fraud Protection, rich media and ad serving, location attribution, and DMP.

Hyper Location Aware
We believe in supporting regional and local businesses with the power of programmatic media.
We merged Advangelists with Mobiquity Technologies and built the most advanced hyper location aware targeting system available to programmatic marketers.
Over 5.5 Million unique points of interest define commercial, industry and public locations to the roof line.
We mapped in 4,000 different retail chains
But we went further, giving the retail marketer power to draw highly targeted locations on maps themselves to the roof line.
Do you know where your customers are? Where they’ve been? AdTribute™ allows for full location attribution or use location filters to drive account based marketing

We believe that measuring success of media investment is THE most important function we could deliver.
We eliminate the challenge of discrepancies between platforms by integrating all the features required to operate programmatic media buying.
Splice-n-dice dashboards allow marketers to pivot data into customized views, providing greater insights into media performance than ever before.

We believe in sourcing premium mobile, video, in-app and display publishers.
Select from direct and premium publishers from sites like: Conde Nast, Disney, Comcast, Gannet, Cox, Viacom as well as gaming, and hundreds of local media properties.
Video including CTV (Connected TV) partners, pre-roll, and guaranteed view opportunities.